Our Work

Carver Avenue Home Renovation in Texas City

We buy houses to help rebuild vibrant communities in Texas City and throughout Southeast Texas. Our goal is to give back to the community with desirable homes and affordable rentals.

Many houses we buy need renovation. We make the necessary repairs, updates, and upgrades to make each place any family would be happy calling home.

You can see at the links below a few examples of the homes we bought. You can see what they looked like when we bought them and then after we completed renovations. We hope you like our work.

(Oh, and if you happen to be in the market for a rental home in Texas City, La Marque, or Hitchcock, please see our available rental properties here.)

Home Renovations in Texas City

South Texas Street

North Fulton Street

17th Avenue North

Royal Oak Drive

Canterway Drive

Carver Avenue

Cardinal Circle

4th Avenue

Do You Have a House You Want to Sell?

We can help. Use our contact page or call me now at 713-480-4333.